ALCATEL Q3CT-K-ADD-ONv3.1.3 (1320CT) questions & answers

Choose the most popular programs from Communication software
Question by Guest
June 4, 2011

We are using 1662smc Alcatel SDH equipment and I would like to know what version of Java software is necessary to install 1320CT software? Moreover, Java software available with 1320 software is showing as being invalid.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

The 1320CT software requires Java JRE 1.x or higher to work properly. To download the latest version for the software, access the official website from Oracle and then accept the agreement. I can't provide a direct download URL because the website is configured with hotlink protection and agreement acceptance.

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Alternative downloads

Vonage Outlook Add-In

You can place calls directly from Outlook if you have Microsoft Outlook

Getting Things Done Outlook

It helps process your inbox and assign actions throughout Outlook.

Web-Recherche Outlook Add

With Web Research Outlook you can save e-mail messages from Microsoft Outlook